[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [I]"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."[/I] Few seconds after Waller gave her speech, Slade felt something being swept from his hand, shifting his gaze to see Ravager putting on her mask. *"Who is she?"*, is all he could think at the moment. It wasn't the fact that she was a female rip off of his alias that concerned him; he was more interested to know the reason that drove her to idolize him. He couldn't shake off her facial expression while he was lifting her up. It wasn't the face of a girl in danger. It was the face of an over excited child who just heard an Ice Cream truck pass by. Reverse Flash and Catman moved by, while Boomerang and the girl were having a little chit chat. Slade himself decided to linger around for a couple of seconds, attempting to make sense of his parasocial relationship with his female equivalent. He felt a shiver down his spine at the thought that she could be a product of his past flings. She surely met the age requirements, though for a man accustomed to delivering blows, Wilson always made sure to use protection. Nonetheless, the idea wasn't far-fetched, taking into account metahumans have failed to measure their true strength in more than one occasion. Slade visibly shook his head, and consequently, his perturbing thoughts, just in time to catch a sly wink from the girl. That surely discounted the likelihood of her being his daughter. No mentally stable girl would salute her father like that. She was probably simply a groupie, someone who'd developed an unhealthy obsession over him. He couldn't comprehend why one would be interested in him, but that required some deep insight into the human psyche, and he didn't have enough time for that. The Mercenary threw a glance at the door, his ears picking up muffled screams in the distance. The Speed Demon and The Cat were doing a good job slitting throats, but it was a long time since Slade witnessed someone missing the point so hard. Waller had enough influence to get them out of the prison unscathed, yet she chose to have them work for it, which led Slade to the conclusion that she was trying to see if they were willing to operate collectively, as a team. Of course, thanks to the duos eagerness, that notion went out of the window. Only thing Deathstroke could do at that moment was convince the remainder of the "team" to co-operate. He had a hunch that Ravager was going to settle for it, no questions asked, while Boomerang would probably give in after he'd be done spewing a stream of his usual bullshit. "I think Waller wants us to work our breakout together. Our two contestants gave in to the temptation and broke out to savor the battle, but I'm still positive we can do this on our own. Are you in?", Slade uttered calmly, waiting for the their responses.