CS Name- **'The Exiled King' Redswift** Race- Elf Male Appearance-![enter image description here](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/067/e/1/elven_soldier_of_virtue_by_lordhayabusa357-d79cte4.png "enter image title here") **Backstory**- Born into royalty, Redswift was the first son of the elven queen in the hidden forest of Dumir. His family life was shattered when Human Brigands invaded the forest and a vicious human beserker raped his mother. The elven queen then gave birth to a half elf bastard child, Halen who the entire community instantly reject because of his birth. Redswift cared about his little brother but the politics of the forest prevented him from speaking out. Saldy when Halen became of age he left the forest in fustration of not belonging. He then became a notrious hunter and had many great adventures. After the eventual death of his mother the new King Redswift became very bored with life as a royal and longed for adventure and to see his brother again. The forest was not happy with his desire to join his half elf brother and the forest elders exiled him. The rule of the forest being taken over by a corrupt councilman. Now Redswift longs to grow stronger, learn more about the world and find his brother, hoping to take back the forest he once called home. **Skills**- Redswift is trained as an elven knight during his time as a prince, he is proficient with elven longsword and bow, but is especially deadly with the spear and shield combo. He also enjoys all the physical advantages of being and elf, with amazing catlike agility and reflexes. He is also a master strategist having led armies and campaigns. He is a trained shipwright and naval expert and also has a background in animal taming and is able to train and ride wyvrens and drakes. **Magic/magical abilities**- Redswift has a disdain for magic seeing it as weak and 'femenine' and prefers to fight head on with physical weapons or cunning strategy, but he has a level of skill in elven healing magic which he tries to only use when most nessecary, because of that his skills are somewhat underdeveloped. **Equipment**- Royal Elven Alloy Armour, Elven Knight Spear, Royal Dumir Shield. Elven short sword,15 Throwing knives, strong elven rope. various elven herbs Other: Redswift's time as King had a negative effect on his personality, while inheritly a good person, he can short tempered and rude to those around him with his ingrained royal arrogance, this makes his ability to work in a team rather strained. AND I will wear the black band