> Name:Alexander Gildone > > Age: 18 > > Gender:Male > > Witch, Warlock, Human: Human > > Personality: he usually keeps to himself though he will be friendly if people act friendly to him. He does have a conflicted view on witches and warlocks, since his parents don't like them, but he gets the feeling they aren't all bad. > > History: Alex has grown up in a home where magic is looked down upon and his father is with a group who wants to get rid of them. Alex made friends which a warlock once and got punished by his father for it, which is why he keeps to himself more now. He was taught how to use a sword by his father to help defend himself better. Over the years Alex did somewhat grow a slight distrust for them, but in the back of his mind he still had that feeling that something was not right about his father's view. > > Appearance(Picture is preferred, but description is fine): ![](http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130620065729/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/8/8f/Alphonse_3.jpg) > > Distinguishing Feature: he's human > > Other: He has a brand on the center of his back that is the symbol of the anti magic group which was placed there by his father to keep witches and warlocks from going near him. this is the image. > ![](http://www.tattoostime.com/images/348/scorpion-back-tattoo-for-men.jpg) Accepted