> > With the thread/page titles once more popping up in browser tabs (instead of just "roleplayer guild")... Is it intentional that it says, for example, "Topic: Mahz's Dev Journal - Roleplayer Guild" rather than "Mahz's Dev Journal - Roleplayer Guild"? Or is that a sneaky bit of uncooperative code? > > I assume it might be intentional. I, however, did think that I should perhaps suggest that the "Topic:", "Convo:", etc prefixes be done away with, since the first six letters of a topic title tend to be more informative than just whether it is a topic, PM-conversation or forum view. Yall think the context is unnecessary/extraneous? I'll do away with it. In other news, I've been pleased with this editor: . I have it working on my local machine and have re-implemented the Save/Cancel edit system seen on the current Markdown editor. If I go that route: - I'll be able to store HTML directly in the database. There will be no client-side rendering necessary, so no more jarring "pop in" posts. The front-end will be responsive since it's just an HTML dump. No post-processing. - I'll render all current Markdown posts to HTML (when I deploy the new editor) and they will then be editable with the editor. That should be a seamless change. Then I'll remove the Markdown system. - The path to making legacy (pre-relaunch posts) editable again will the be obvious since the editor can just load their HTML. I'll push it to the dev server when I'm done to get some feedback. It not easy to find the middle ground between WYSIWYG clusterfuck and editing markup by hand with no help, but this editor is actually easy for me to work with.