The elfling was walking to her! By the ancients, were these ears even real? The she-elf probably had bones in them to keep them up like so. Like chickens. Elf ears would most certainly make a nice snack. But no matter, what did she want? No matter how braced Mastrix had put herself for social interaction, she was still surprised and caught off guard when Darthalia spoke. Getting up and jumping backward, pushing the chair she was sitting on the ground and placing her staff in combat position. There was a silence for a few seconds. Mastrix heard one of the men around the fire with her snort. Of course, she had been jittery ever since she had been there, each time someone spoke to her and the fools did try! Still, the question, ah yes, a question. She gathered her thoughts and went to a less defensive posture, trying to use the magnificence of her armor to support her. She cleared her throat and... "Uh... Y-yeah. This is... Misala." FUUUUCK, this wasn't what she meant to say at all! She was a good actor, well, when she spoke to people and that was... 12 years ago, damn. She heard the guys next to her giggle. Taking a deep respiration, something making her sound like a monster from the Scars as the air went through the openings of her masks, she slowly turned her head toward the men, the fire's intensity diminishing as Mastrix controlled her desire to make it explode. She whispered. "Don't laugh at me." These softly spoken words however had nothing comedic to them and the silence was instantaneous. She began to relax and the fire to go to normal. Well, that was that. Placing a hand on the chair to sit back down Mastrix stropped and shook it a little. Faaaack. This chair must have spent a decade to face the elements outside and with Mastrix pushing it backward only so little it was about to break. Moving back a little she kicked the rickety old thing in the fire. Now she'd have to sit on the ground. Noticing that however one of the men she had spent about an hour now, moved on the tipped over log he was sitting on to make a spot. Mastrix looked at the invitation of moving 5 feets to the side and sit. She decided to rather sit on the ground where she was. The man raised an eyebrow. "Ooooook. Suit yourself. Do you want a spot lady?" He turned his offer to Darthalia.