George was grateful for the house he'd been sorted into. After all, he'd been terrified completely by the prospect of becoming the manic murderer his criminal Dad seemed to have been. He wondered exactly what his dad would make of all this, how he'd react at knowing neither of his son's were following in his footsteps. George grinned back at Sadie and dropped down next to her and their other friend Seine. At least now he could relax, let himself go a little and become himself again. He adjusted his robes so he could sit down comfortably, blissfully unaware of what had been a less than warm welcome. It didn't matter anymore. He had friends, one's he'd spend the next seven years with. He turned to watch the remaining crowd, the last nine being passed towards the other tables with ease. He wondered how many of them were like him. Blue eyes turned about the rest of the room, wondering how many more in the room were the same. He avoided making eye contact with Brennan after earlier and switched back to looking towards the front. He watched the last student step carefully towards the front of the room, sitting gently on the stool. They seemed quiet, a little shy and not at all there. Regardless, off to Slytherin they went. The whole table cheering simply out of habit. George let his mind wonder a little before resurfacing when an older looking women took to the front. Her robes were an old pattern, shining and almost silk like. They were a mixture of green and black, clinging to an older frame. Her hair was pulled back tight on her head and knotted into a small bun. Whoever she was, the whole room was silent upon her standing. "Welcome everyone to Hogwarts School. For some of you, it's your first day and for some others, it's your last year. The rest of you have time here to truly become brilliant." She looked about the room, a strange grace to her that George couldn't put his finger on. "To new students and old, remember the Forest is out of bounds, as always. Let us all have a wonderful year." She clapped with a smile and the world infront of them burst into life. Bright colours of food exploded before their eyes. Roasted, boiled, fried, chopped and diced. It was all laid out beautifully. George turned to Sadie wanting to see her reaction, laughing to himself already.