Zmerr flicked his attention back to the girl when he heard her footsteps. She was running away. Half of his hatred and fear dissolved when he realized she did so with inhuman speed and gracefulness. He brought his gun down, still holding the trigger. He knew pursuit would be pointless. He was fast and agile himself, but he could barely outrun a human, let alone this girl. He looked into the water. The draconian was gone. He was alone again. Even more alone than he was before because, now, not even the fish were there to accompany him. He shook his head and walked into the forest, deciding he'd need to come up with some other source of food. Tonight was going to be rough. He trekked through the trees, his feet barely making a sound against the carpet of fallen leaves on the forest floor. He had swapped his plasma pistol for the rifle. He kept his large eyes open for any sign of movement. It was getting late and he needed food.