Okay, one, Simarils don't do a whole lot but look super pretty, burn evil shit on contact, and cause people to make really dumb decisions like agreeing to parley with notSatan or wearing them on your crown even though they're forever melting your face off. Two, maybe Ancalagon gets hyped up in your encyclopedias or whatever but from what I remember he's a mindless, animalistic brute that dies like a _total chump_ in the very first battle he participates in, and his flailing idiot corpse ends up crushing about half of Angband. Fancy that, Ancalagon's _single greatest achievement_ was fucking over his own boss. The fact that he's the "most powerful mortal dragon [you] know of" speaks volumes. Finally, if the group already **_has all the macguffins_**, why are we dicking around in Hyrule? Shouldn't the game be over or at the least heading towards a final confrontation?