Today had been another simple day, in which Alver Starlis slept through most of it. He had gotten used to being a night owl most of his life since he had little use to being awake during the daylight other than maybe classes. Even then, most of the time his classes took place at night, thanks to his special tutor his parents hired over the years. Besides, he always did enjoy the night, it was prettier than people gave it credit for. And it was away from curious eyes. When he woke up, the pale colored boy yawned and raised his head a little, wearing nothing but a pair of black shorts. Having slept on his stomach, he propped himself up with his elbows as his pale lavender eyes blinked the sleep away. The dimly lit room, having darkened slightly as the sun slowly lowered. Must be between the afternoon and evening. Giving a mild groan as his face flopped back down to his pillow, he rolled over onto his back and swung his legs over the bedside and stood up, stretching his tall body. Sliding his slender long fingers through his messy white hair, he gave a mumble as he walked to the bathroom. Grabbing a purple brush from the left slider from the pearly white sink, he brushed out his messy white hair until it was straight before removing the last of his clothing and getting into the shower. After washing himself thoroughly with with a soft cherry blossom scent, he dried himself off with a beige towel while walking back to his room, a similar towel around his waist. Moving to the closet to changed into some clothes to cover his almost naked lean, lightly toned body. Humming as he slipped on a pair of underwear, he wore a pair of white sweats and a long sleeve light brown turtleneck. Grabbing a hair band on his nightstand, he put up his long white hair in a loose low ponytail. Slipping on some white socks he took from his dresser and a pair of silk white gloves, he walked out of his room and went down the small hall that led to the living room and open kitchen. The living room had a couch and two cabinets full of books. Since there was no tv or computers, he had to spend a bit of his time reading. A black grand piano also sat in the corner, another hobby of his to relieve his boredom. Deciding to have his 'breakfast' he went to the kitchen. To get some cereal. To his dismay, it seemed the young man was out of the common breakfast food as well as milk. He thought about a omelet, only to discover he was out of eggs and bacon as well. Giving a few grumbles of disapproval, the tall man sighed before walking to the front door, grabbing his white coat from the coat rack and slipping it on. Alver was going to have some god damn breakfast, even if it meant going to the store. He should be fine outside, it wasn't dark, but the sunlight was at least not too heated for him. Slipping on a pair of white and blue-striped tennis shoes and grabbing a umbrella before walking out door and locking it behind him. It was more or less a peaceful walk to the store, if you don't count the newly released students staring and whispering about him when he reached the more central of the town. They were promptly ignored however as he slipped on his pair of sunglasses he dug from his pocket. It didn't take long for him to arrive at the store called 'Food n' Stuff'.... Such a original name of course. Walking inside, he didn't pay too much of his attention on the workers, and there were barely any customers if any, so he simply grabbed a carrying basket and went along the store lanes. A female worker came out from a door at the back of the store, who looked quite shaken for some reason. When she looked toward him, it didn't seem to help matters. However, Alver simply continued to do what he came here to do. Get food. Picking up some eggs, a carton of milk, a packet of bacon strips, before finally standing in the cereal section. The albino pondered exactly which he wanted this time around, having developed a taste for quite a few brands. Alver often switched between them in order to keep a somewhat fresh start for the morning. After making his selection he went to the cash register and waited in the kind behind a darker skinned woman and a figure who had a flash of purple hair sticking out from their hood. His lavender gaze looked at them for a moment before looking to the uncomfortable cash register.