> > With this roster and with this occasion, it feels like it's exactly one year ago again. Maybe we can just pretend last year never happened. > > Last year saw much of the old-timers migrate to other forums as well and activity has declined significantly. We can pretend, but it won't be the same. Let's just see it as a good opportunity for a fresh start. This is really the attitude I'm going with. People may come back and they might not, but what really matters in here is running RP's and doing our thing as a community. I do understand people leaving for other communities in that they wanted to actually RP, and hopefully the Guild will be an option again if we stay stable and offer the features they're looking for. If not, I wish them well. I mean, we could get all 'rarr, arr, arr, arr rarr other communities' but the reality is that we're one of many options out there and it doesn't pay to be a dick to the neighbors. Hopefully, we become a very attractive option again soon once we get over this hump.