"Oh! That's her," she whispered to George and Seine, bouncing excitedly, ignoring the sharp look her brother gave her. Xia He looked amused, and Sadie blushed, dropping her voice lower as she leaned in. "She's the one who came to our house when we got our letters!" As frustrating as she had found being told to 'wait and see' all those years ago, she remembered the wonder she’d felt when the woman had transformed into a cat to prove her point. She’d returned in July and Sadie had pinned the severe looking woman in a tight hug. Professor McGonagall had looked rather displeased by that. She fell silent for her speech, listening with interest. Suddenly, she had clapped and the whole room lit up with food and Sadie could only stare. She couldn’t even fathom how much food this was, had never seen… this was incredible. She gasped, looked to Brennan, but he was already piling food onto his plate. He’d never told her about this. Sadie smiled as Seine passed her a large dish of potatoes, scooping a healthy portion. There wasn’t a lot of food at home—it wasn’t her parent’s fault, just sometimes things were tight and they had to make do with what they had. She snuck another glance at Brennan who was chatting with Amos, smirking about something or other. She looked to Seine and George, grinning brightly. “This is amazing! How does this even happen?”