Vala'Keer was just a little irritated at the human being around, and letting her escape. But she did sneak up on him- he'll have to- wait. He turned around, hearing scraping sounds, and his eyes widened in anger. He approached, and instead of her shrinking from him, she reached for one of the knives strapped to his leg. He paused, and took a step back, out of reach, before figuring out what she wanted. He raised a scaly ridge that another might call an eyebrow, and he took a throwing axe from on of his belt loops. He held it up, and the girl reached up for it, captivated by it in someway. The Draconian knew better than the give a weapon to a possible enemy, a human, and so he turned perpendicular to the woman, pointed at a tree, and then flung it. It flew end over end for a second, before coming to a complete and utter stop when it slammed into a tree. The Draconian nodded at this- it was very unlikely that, unless the girl had an unseen strength, the axe would be pulled out of the wood. Content that pulling the shiny axehead out of the tree trunk was sufficient, he pointed at it, and looked down at the crawling humanoid, as if saying "Go get it!" Then he turned and darted into bushes too prickly to be entered without scale, or while naked.