**Spring 1** The sun rolled over the horizon and gently kissed the friendly town. The rising of the sun had signaled that morning had come, and thus work shall be done. The weather currently was comforting, it wasn't hot, nor was it too cold, and on top of that the flowers were currently in bloom. It was such a lovely sight to see the wildlife in the spur of the moment. Don't get too comfortable though, the sun will quickly subside in the afternoon and will soon be replaced by clouds and a light drizzle of rain. ----- It had been another long night, and just as the sun seeped through the cracks in Clarience's window she let out a long groan. The young woman was tired, even though she had just gotten a full night of sleep. She lazily rose from her bed and grunted as she had realized it was morning. Lately work had been consisting of her resting in between painting and it was usually caused by the lack of people that had stopped by. There were some occasions where she actually needed to do work to pay for her rent, however after that the days were quite lax. She slipped out of bed and stretched her legs. Her lips smacked together, generating moisture since her mouth was rather dry from it gaping open in her sleep. Clarience peered through her curtains and huffed. 'Might as well get ready...' She threw on a fresh pair of clothes that consisted of a white sweater and a baggy pair of jeans. Her hair was sloppily gathered up in a ponytail and afterwards she then proceeded to start her daily routine of brushing her teeth and skipping breakfast to drag her paint supplies over to the river for a morning session of practically nothing. Her feet dragged along the dirt pathway as she sauntered through town with a bag of acrylic paints in one hand, and an empty white canvas in the other. It wasn't unusual to see her doing such, especially on a sunny morning such as this.