**Blake** Blake grinned when the woman spoke about keeping the histories to themselves "yeah" He did wanted to know what her race was without the entire history but it did not matter much anyway so he did not care, it saved him from talking about his past as well this way. . When she acted more like, well funny enough like a cat while calling her self Cat, it did raised his guard about her. She was acting humanly and relaxed for a while, so this pose and especially the harsh tone meant she was getting ready to fight. Personally he hopped to avoid that much, but he would keep his own guard up for the time being, though he did not grab one of his weapons as that might provoke her, so if hell broke lose he had to fight using his shifting. "Names Blake, and I am not here to fight so calm down if you can" He said calm and kinda of a mixture between friendly and respectfully, the woman seemed to be similar to him in some ways. "I've been running around for more moons then I can remember so I figured it to be nice to get back into my human shape and have a chat or something, you people were the first none-humans I have had the pleasure of meeting since my Tribe g....." he turned silent at the thought, unable to finish it while his eyes glazed over. But before something could happen he shook his head to chase away the thoughts, focusing back on the woman in front of him, having a little difficulty in finding something to say next. --------- **Seras** "Yeah. What of it?" The Asura said, irritation oozed from his voice. . Seras took a breath to recollect her self before continuing. "My apologies, Its just I have not yet seen any of your race, there used to be so many on this plane, but I fear the hunting has caused your peoples numbers to dwindle by a lot, are you here alone or is this Island housing an tribe that has escaped the hunting?" Kiro kept high in the air, outside the Asura's vision. "Ah, where are my manners, My name is Seras, you do not need to reply to my questions, curiosity took hold of me for that second" . Chii was secretly hiding still behind the dead bush which was located behind the bushes from where the Asura was standing, fully out of sight for now. ----------------- **Runa** The girl looked as the creature showed her one of the thingies that was on his body. She had no idea what it was, but it looked interesting so she reached for it before he threw it into some large upright thingy a little further away. She already had started to crawl towards it before he even pointed towards it and once she reached the tree she tried to grab the thing but it was too high up for someone that could not even stand on her own legs. Still she tried to grab it one way or an other for quite some time before she realized that the thing itself was gone. Her face furrowed, unknown to herself that the large man thingy had just left her here and had put the only toy he had given her out of her reach. She started to crawl back to the water, wondering if he had gone back into that stuff, not realizing that he had gone though the bushes. . She looked at the water, not knowing what it was, but this, for some reason felt so familiar. Touching the river with the tips of her fingers she giggled. It was a really short giggle as she was surprised about the sound that came from her, making her look at her stomach. She looked behind her wanting to see the thing but it was still no where to be found. Frustrated she hit her hand on the water, splashing up more then should be normal for a girl of her build, but she did not know that. However suddenly she heard something behind her, it was some kind of stomp like sound. As she looked behind her she could see the shiny toy had fallen out of the tree, immediately she started to crawl to it with a big smile on her face, sitting as she grabbed it up and started to look at the thing which was wet from water it seemed. The moment the thing-man came back she looked at him and with close eyes grinning she showed him the thingy as a child would do.