Name: Jack Savage Age: 27 Sex: Male Archetype: Thief Personality/Bio: Jack is mischievous, there's just no getting around that, indeed that very penchant for mischief is probably what lead him to becoming one of the best thieves in the world. Raised in a circus, Jack's penchant for liberating items of a shiny or valuable nature started out as mere curiosity. Raised by his acrobat parents and endowed with a double portion of his parents' tightrope skill, Jack quickly picked up his parent's trade and moved on to learning the other acts available to him at an early age, whether that be lion taming, clownery or sleight of hand from the magician and Ringmaster, Jack has always been a quick study and picked it up all as fast as he could. Eventually Jack decided it was time for him to leave and go into the real world, however having nothing to do, he tried several jobs, and eventually he managed to piss off the wrong people, and they took everything from him. One thing led to another and in the end Jack had to leave town quite suddenly limping most of the way. Years passed and eventually Jack became the man he is today, but he still bears the burns and scars to remind him that he has business to finish. Recently Jack was recruited by Leverage Inc, Jack loves working for the good guys now and getting to use his abilities to put smiles on good people's faces again. :Appearance:![](/img/ Jack is lean, lithe, and in good shape, standing at 5'11, he often has a wide smile on his face and is rarely caught out of his most comfortable clothes, except on jobs. His wild hair and eyes tell of the mischief in his soul and the tenacity in his heart.[/hider] Weapons and Equipment: Pocketknife, Lockpicking tools, Rappelling gear, Surfboard. Skills: Master Thief Expert at most extreme sports Sleight of Hand Extraordinaire Has a way with animals, presence tends to calm them Skilled Knife-Thrower Adept Acrobat Intimate knowledge of security systems Quick Study Weaknesses: Greatly dislikes fire Often reckless Often can't turn down a challenge Likes to gamble Can't fight to save his life