A world where people are almost extinct the remaining people find refuge here in The Underground. Though the newest generation of the Underground seems to be able to do things that us older ones cannot. For now, we watch, and if it gets worse. We will send them to The Above. Welcome everyone to _The Underground_ I though since we have a updated site I may as well start a new roleplay! I've been wanting to do this for a while but with holiday's I've been very busy so now I am finally setting this up! Now anyways time for our awesome rules! 1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPs. 2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal 3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice. 4. Please once you have finished your CS wait for me to accept it! I don't want people who I haven't accepted to post! 5. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that. 6. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome. 7. Your character cannot be the child of any current stars or politicians/political leaders 8. You can have one character for now. This rule is subject to change though. 9. Put _Rawr_ in the Other section of your forum if you read the rules. 10. There are only limited spots! No ifs and or buts, unless I trust that you won't disappear halfway through the RP. 11. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time. There are five levels to The Underground, matching the five floors (with an extra sixth floor in case of quarantine). You are born into a certain level but with some kids in this new generation having special powers a special sixth floor has open up on the quarantine floor. Most who go down to that floor are never seen again. Floor 1: The floor closest to the surface. This floor houses the criminals, beggars,and people who never contributed to society. These were the people who weren't wanted in society before humanity was almost wiped out (aka 'The Collapse'). No one has been found on this floor to have powers. Floor 2: This floor houses those who could just barely afford to live. They are the people who tried their hardest to make ends meet so they could support their family. Floor 3: The floor houses the people who had a little money they could set aside. These are the people who before The Collapse were able to treat themselves to big things from time to time. Basically the middle-class. Floor 4: Now this floor is for the rich. For the actors, authors, singer, and politicians. These are the people who made it big before The Collapse. Floor 5: The leaders of the world. These were the people who lead countries. Floor 6: This is the floor that just recently opened up. This floor is where the kids of the new generation with powers live. Until the government body of The Underground can learn why they have these powers they are stuck on this floor. If not figured out why they have these powers they will be released to The Above to die. Before coming to this floor everyone is given a code name, to keep their identities a secret. Now for our super mega awesome forum! Appearance: First Name: Last Name: Code Name: Age(7-18): Gender: Original Floor (2-5): Power (Can only be one thing): Special Skills: Theme Song (Optional): Outfit (Optional): Other: 7/10 People accepted **Current Accepted** _booksmusicanime: Haru Osi (Hiyori)_ _Song Book: Melody Drackoni (Flash)_ _nerminator: Adam Fisher (Fisher)_ _Sharyxe: Rexie Rais (Destruction)_ _GamingOwl: Alexander Stonewall (Mocking Bird)_ _ScarlettWaters16: River Garrison (Sapphire)_ _arowne97: James Hunter (Warlord)_ **RESERVED SPOTS** _Rin Okumura_ _manapool1_ Who else really misses hiders and centering tools cause I do. This is going to get on my nerves really quick. Plus that when you make a new roleplay it starts you in IC. That's even MORE annoying.