When he returned with a small deer slung limply across one muscled shoulder, he found that the girl had, somehow, pulled the axe out of the tree. Its head was buried all the way in the wood- even he would have a little difficulty pulling it out. He would've started in surprise at this, and he let the deer fall off his shoulder and flop against the ground. It landed with a dull *thump*, and he walked forward towards the girl. He reached out and took the handle of the throwing axe, gazing at it accusingly as if it were somehow responsible for letting the woman retrieve it. So, Vala'Keer instead gave her a throwing knife. Not large enough to do enough damage to his scale unless slipped up and under, or shoved in with enough force which he was *sure* she didn't have. It was odd, though- humans attacked on sight. And they were never naked. Nor were they so... immature. It was like she was newborn. He let her play with the knife while he turned to the deer carcass, and began using a knife and a throwing axe to skin it, gut it, etc.