**Name**: Hael Ecos **Religion**: Judaism **Gender**: Female **Appearance**:![Hael](http://40.media.tumblr.com/66606a75dda9c2ef6d48ba7ff242f274/tumblr_mexllhaQaq1qfiu0ho1_500.jpg "enter image title here") **Personality**: Hael is quiet and observant, choosing to stay in the background until she decides that she is needed. She is dedicated and often a little stubborn when told to stop. Still, she's an obedient follower of Metatron. That doesn't mean that she agrees with everything that Metatron wants. When Hael isn't fighting demons or being Metatron's soldier, she likes to watch humanity. Her fascination with them has made her more curious than she should be. This fuels her desire to help them, leading her to question her loyalty to Metatron. **Corruption Meter**: 4 **Mindset**: Save Humanity **Bio**: Hael has been loyal to Metatron from the beginning. She watched the Earth slowly fall into madness as the demons plagued it. Every now and then, Hael would step in and stop the demons from becoming too powerful, thus giving her a name in the demon hunting community. She barely revealed herself to the humans, but she found them fascinating. Metatron's decision not to help them upset Hael. She has begun to think of helping the humans, more than to do Metatron's will. She remains loyal to him to this day.