All he could do was look around him. It was gray. Slate gray. Like a pristeen machine....but one without life. It was empty here. A Nihilist's Paradise in many ways. A Void. It was a Hollow existence. Just like him. (The only thing I can think of that would even come close to this, would be Limbo....or is it Purgatory?) (....I can't tell....) *Perhaps it is both?* **Maybe it's neither.** *It is all possible* **Everything's possible!** (....So far, it seems like the two of you shutting up for even an hour isn't.) **Ouch bro, tha' hurts righ' 'ere, in mah hear'!** *Grow up you imprudent monkey.* **Hehehe, looks like Robot-dipshit got pissed off! Whadda sight foar sore eyes!** (....I'm leaving this conversation.) *And where do you plan on going?* (I'll wander. After all....) **A Wanderer isn't....** (....Always lost.) *You two are such impressionable children sometimes.* Andrew focused back into the world of Gray. He wondered if perhaps there was anyone else here, or if being the state it was, nobody was capable of meeting each other yet. Both seemed like plausible outcomes after all. He slowly walked on the Gray floor, making his way at random, in a random direct, for a random amount of time. He was leaving himself to Luck and Fate, and he didn't really care. Death had already taken him, no matter how much he wished it not be so. He'd be stuck now. At least this part of him anyway. The other part of his soul had probably already moved on. Become a new person, a new him....or her [Andrew shivered a bit there]. The him that lived was gone in this reality. But then again, it's not like he can fight anymore.... For Fate had already won....he'd died. Rather poorly and without fulfillment in life he might add.... ** *But such is the Fate of those that are Incarnations.* **