A man was sitting in a dark room, not much could be seen about this specific man if one were there to observe him. The only light present in this dark room came from a set of four computer monitors, the artificial light illuminated some of this man's face, although much of his identity remained shrouded in shadows. All around this man’s workspace was scattered pieces of paper, the words or even diagrams scrawled on them were varied. To the untrained eye it looked like the scribblings of a mad man, however in reality altogether these notes were part of a complex process, a process of searching. This man slid a pair of headphones over his ears, on the side a microphone was built in, this man reached over to this microphone and pulled it towards his face. *[Start of Recording] Its been about a week since the death of the Incarnations, I would have gotten a report out sooner but, well I got swamped in work, my desk is a complete mess I won’t lie. Anyway for report number four I’m doing a short follow up with the last one, and I’m going over what happened to the other three, although follow up is giving too much credit. Really in the end we weren't able to find much else on Princess or Wolf, both families pretty much kept out of the media, neither seem to like the limelight. What we do know is Princess’ mom might face manslaughter charges, its a rumor at best but some guys are going to keep watch on her, well at least for now. First on today’s agenda is about Child, she… well she offed herself, again with a goddamn automobile, this one being a bus. There were no witnesses, and honestly in the end police were unable to identify her body, luckily due to her anonymous status a few Runners were trailing her which means we can confirm Child’s death. Sad thing is her body belongs to the state now, she never got or will get a proper funeral.* *Next we have Queen, and hell if we know what went down, can’t even get close to the scene. A whole lot of money from places that shouldn’t exist has been put into use here, with our resources we can’t learn anything ourselves. Most we got is Lurieth, uh Queen’s mother if I remember right, basically killed Queen while messed up on coke or something like that. Lurieth was probably to be put on death row, but mother found herself dead before the court day. The city is going to feel the aftershock of all this for years, and I don’t trust what the media has, but I guess I can ask Queen herself if the chance ever arises.* *Gamer went down in a surprising way at a surprising time, he kid made it until four the next day pretty amazing for a Incarnation to last any amount of time past the due date. Since he went down so late and so far out in the middle of nowhere Runners were unable to keep track of him, well that’s what they say, personally I think they screwed up. What we did find from the aftermath is Gamer impaled on a sizable piece of rebar, debris from yet again more cars. We’re still piecing together what really happened but what Gamer did do was save a girl’s life, about his age we think, she’s recovering at a metropolitan hospital and will be released within a day. We don’t have a profile on the girl yet but that’s a main focus right now, she was very close to Gamer’s death site and makes her a prime candidate. Gamer is regarded as a hero now, complete with a silver plaque, don’t know really if the kid is the heroic type and if did actually save that girl… off the record if he did show heroism in his last moments of life… well I find that respectable, real respectable.* *Alright that’s it for the latest report, I’m still tracing them down and running short on time to do so, only for sure got a week left now, I’m signing off. [End of Recording]*