It was odd, how when the two witches entered the room, Lukin smiled and pulled his energies in. They formed a small energy shield around him, invisible to humans. There was a strange itch on the back of his neck as the last few kids trickled in, though he couldn't tell which human was causing him to feel slightly sick. There was a feeling of red behind him, his black haired head turned toward the girl behind him. He couldn't see her face, but the side of her jacket was a wonderful shade of almost blood red. With a little snicker he ran a hand back through his hair, the low chuckle that followed a soft vibration. This would be a great year if he could just keep people with her witchy feel around him. Of course he didn't know what type of witch she was, so he still has reason to hold himself back. The guy who came up to ask her for the seat between them made him lift an eyebrow, before he pulled out his school book from his bag. The nature magic out the window didn't go unnoticed, but he didn't respond to it simply because it would have been obvious, and an intrusion. The teacher would have to start the lesson soon enough.