> ###Posted for Approval > > > > > **Appearance:** > [Super Large Photo](http://womenmakeover-makeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/tumblr-girls-brown-hair-blue-eyes-5434a8a46c3c8.jpg) > > > **Name:** Elena Waters > > > **Age:** 16 > > > **Year:** 3 > > > **Normal or Supernatural (as in, what are you?):** Mermaid. Elena easily sprouts fins and gills if any skin below her navel absorbs more than 8oz. of water, roughly one glass of water. Her tail fin consists of bright luminescent blue scalloped scales leading down to a flowing fin of teal and green hues. Her hair, normally reaching around the middle of her back, grows in length to around mid-calf. > > > **Personality:** Elena can be best described as a contradiction. She has a quiet demeanor about her, being shy whenever she is in a group. However, if someone were to befriend her on their own, she makes fast friends and is fiercely loyal. Because of the simple requirements of her transformation, Elena has a love-hate relationship with H2O. In her mermaid form, Elena feels carefree and as if all was right in the world. However, in her human form, Elena is very cautious of water – not wanting to reveal her secret to just anybody. > > > **Bio:** Elena is not from around ‘Courts Place’. In fact, Elena cannot quite remember exactly where she is from. When she tries to recall the memory, a searing pain rips through her temples and the only thing she can remember is swimming. Swimming until she left whatever life she had behind her. She arrived in Courts Place at the age of 13, wandering through the streets in ragged clothes she’d found at shore – probably belongings of a skinny dipper who had left them there. On wobbly legs, she entered society and was stopped by a teenager a little older than she who asked her if she was skipping school. She adamantly refused and he then asked if she was on her way to Northwood Academy. To avoid any more prying eyes, she vehemently nodded and followed the boy to the school in silence. > > > **How you came to the school (did you transfer or are you a Year 1 student? Did you receive and invitation or did you have to apply to the school first? Scholarship or rich parents?):** Had to apply after having been taking in for a year by Miss Cerise Sonata. > > > **Preferred Dorm:** Wells Hall Approved