Ramona hears a vibrating chuckle, and sees a soft hint of blue out of the corner of her eye. A smile crosses her lips as she looks two seats ahead of her, a warlock, the bottom layer of his hair a beautiful layer of stunning blue. She made eye contact with him, but could feel his uneasiness through his energy, and her paranoia kicked in again. She ducked her head, swinging her hair at an attempt to cover the scar across the right side of her face and the scars on her neck. She dared not look back up, and just listened to the conversation between the teacher to the students, then listen to the student, whom introduced himself as Daniel, speak to the class. She kept her eyes alert, cutting them across the room then back with her hands folded nearly in her lap. Ramona wanted to run, why did she even come back to school after what happened. She shook her right boot again, silently hoping the teacher would overlook her. Maybe she could cast a spell to make herself invisible to the teacher? Too risky. Just calm down, Ramona, calm down.