Name: Huron Tiberius Gandor Age: 33 Gender: Male Status: Alchemist/Ranger Kingdom: Kantle/Eve Personality: reserved and cautious, he is well mannered even though he dislikes being around people. He lives his life by his own rules and clams no allegiance to any king. He does his best not to make any enemies unnecessarily but you can’t make everybody happy. His life has made him a hard man but despite all evidence to the contrary he is not uncaring. he has studied many of the ancient magical arts but the ability to perform any of them was lost to this land long ago so he uses alchemy to create the illusion of magic. History: He is a half-breed and as such has been shunned by both kingdoms. He was raised in a small town near the edge of Kantle by a surrogate mother. His father visited off and on through the years but always in secret because of prejudice on both sides of the border. The older he got the more he noticed how people treated him and the less he wanted to be around them so he began spending more and more time in the wild by himself. As he learned how to survive and live of the land he stopped returning to the town and when his surrogate mother died he had no reason to be around other people any more. He has spent most of his life away from civilization deep in the no man’s land and is one of the few people capable of surviving there. Other: he has a dragon mount and a flametongue long sword that he found amid ancient runes. Appearance: 6’ 180 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, scruffy. Picture ![enter image description here]( "Huron") ![Galaru]( "enter image title here") ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")