Silus watched as the Fox Faunus turned, eyes following hers as the looked him over. The usual suspicion of his form clouded her face before something seemed to glint behind her eyes. She recognized his traits. Knew his family. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Silus modified his usual posture, taking a more open stance to show less aggression. He smiled at her appearance, the cocked head and ears eliciting a response in the back of his mind. He listened and watched as her own posture changed. She seemed more and more scared of him, her profile shrinking and the want to see everyone before they see her. The posture change was subtle, her body reacting like cornered prey. Sikus sighed, knowing this to be either an effect of his appearance or his family. He honestly didn't know which one annoyed him more. Silus once again let a smile crawl across his lips and offered a hand to her "just watching for fellow Faunus. ..and you seemed the most interesting" he grinned a slightly lopsided grin and continued "nevertheless, A pleasure to meet name is Silus" he said gently "we should head in to the hall" his head gestured to the large building "would you feel more at ease with a person you know or by yourself...miss..." he waited for her to finish his question.