Name: Mars Picture/Description: ![Mars]( "Mars") Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Tomboyish violent, easily offended. is willing to get into a fight over anything and is confident in herself enough that she believes that she will win. She can be very smart if she applies herself but usually can't concentrate that long, however she has an excellent tatical mind. Talent: Boxing Ability: Slight future sight. She can see the actions someone is going to do a second or two before they do it if she concentrates. Bio: Mars was born into a troubled family and grew constantly wacthing her parents argue. When she was about 10 they finally divorced and she was given to her father, shse was constantly made fun of at school having no mother and got into a lot of fights. Her father made sure she could win them, he had done a lot of boxing in the past and Mars found it to be very helpful. Of course this skill naturally got her rectruited into a boxing club in which her skills improved further. She quickly showed she was a natural at it and rose to the top, claiming first place in local competitions. Proud of her ablility she wanted to move to a different scholl, she was bored with hers and wanted to go out and find some poeple who didn't constantly tease her, even if they did it when she wasn't looking. Other: