**Seras&Chii** . "YAAAAAAAAY" Chii yelled as she ran towards the funny creature giving out food. Seras sighed, she had already seen her daughters stupid action coming the moment Zmerr came with food, well it was not surprising, she was a growing girl and they did not had the chance to eat anything decent for a long while. "Sorry, that is my daughter, Chii come here" "okii" Chii said as she came back to her mothers side, a trip of jerky sticking out of her mouth while her pink tail was whipping around pretty much like a happy dog. Seras bend down to face her daughter. "Next time you need to ask before just rushing in and grabbing a piece, now what do you say" She said to the little girl. Chii's eyes widened when she realized her actions, quickly she turned to the funny creature and bowed her head. "thank you Sir" ---------------------------- **Runa** . The Girl smiled a big bright smile when the nice thing took the shiny thingy from her as she presented it to him. The smile was replaced with a exited face when she was given the knife instead, quickly she started to play with it, giving the big nice thing time to play with the bug furry thing. . When she noticed that the big nice thing was breaking his fuzzy toy she dropped the knife and crawled to towards him to see what it was doing. Nicely sitting on the sideline and looking, she tried to touch it a few times but was prevented by the big nice thing. . Eventually she crawled back to her own toy and started to play again. Not long after however she started to make the first sounds the Draconian would have heard from her, She started to cry as she had cut her arm with the knife.