![ ](https://33.media.tumblr.com/a9fcf9d82f94bf191e0936403363bcc0/tumblr_n547i0ReMN1sbwxdko1_500.gif " ") Name: Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade Age: 597 Gender: Female Appearance: [The Iron-Blooded, Hot-Blooded, Cold-Blooded Vampire](http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/332/3/3/kiss_shot_acerola_orion_heart_under_blade__render__by_kelvincheng-d5mfbkw.jpg) Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Kizumonogatari Personality: Haughty, arrogant, and with a regal flair, Heart-Under-Blade is much like what one would expect from a vampire of her age and power. Even so, she is quite charming and surprisingly friendly, able to get on well enough with most people if they can see past her egotism. However, behind this veneer lies a heartless, bloodthirsty monster that pays little mind to the countless victims of her hunger. Or does there? This too, is an act, as she harbors a deep sadness in her heart. Heart-Under-Blade secretly wishes to end her immortal life, as she has grown tired of the endless years of loneliness, and is weighed down by the guilt of taking so many lives to sustain her own. Abilities/Weapons: As the most powerful vampire in the world, Heart-Under-Blade boasts a number of vampiric abilities, including but not limited to superhuman strength and speed, transformation, flight, weather manipulation, wall-crawling, shadow manipulation, hypnotism, energy absorption, and night vision. Her more obscure abilities include matter creation, which allows her to create simple objects of varying size, seemingly out of thin air. Heart-Under-Blade's regenerative ability is prodigious, as no physical injury short of destroying her entire body can kill her. She is also a true omnivore, able to swallow and digest nearly any physical object, and then regurgitate it later if she so chooses. Finally, her mastery over "ghastly energy" (what fuels supernatural beings such as herself instead of ki) is great enough that she can project it at will, with such results as being able to seemingly induce explosions merely by glancing at something. Heart-Under-Blade's magic sword, Kokorowatari, is also of note, as it is an enchanted sword of demon-killing, and can cause catastrophic harm to supernatural beings with even as much as a scratch. Backstory: The past of the King of Strangeness is a mystery to all but her, but a few things are known: she was human at one point, with a human name, and her master (the previous King of Strangeness) is now dead. She has traveled the world for centuries, fulfilling her whims and feeding on the lifeblood of countless humans. Her exploits were many, though it is notable that she has only ever sired two vampiric servants. Her first was a samurai in medieval Japan, who killed himself out of despair (a common fate of vampires). The latter was an ordinary Japanese schoolboy, nearly four-hundred years later. Though none know but her, Heart-Under-Blade is suicidally depressed, and desires greatly to end her life. Her travels of late have not been those of adventure and whimsy, but a search for anything that can truly kill her. Perhaps some small part of her still desires life, as she has yet to willfully expose herself to the sun, instead seeking a quicker, less painful death. It is known that another vampire could drain the energy from her until she died, but only a vampire of comparable power to her would be capable of harming her, and almost none of such prestige exist. Faction: Independant