As Fate mentions the logout button, a past event runs through Darrin's head. *"What do you mean it's not there? It should be. Check again," Bob announced.* *"Dude, I'm looking at the menu 6 times over. There is no button for anything in the options." Darrin was confused, "Shouldn't that have been fixed? I mean, a menu is kind of necessary for games to work properly."* *"Hold on, just give me a minute." Bob began fiddling with different options in the game settings, from the damage output, all the way up to mana regen. Nothing he found fixed the menu issue. He decided to check one last thing; Darrin himself. Bob pulled up Darrin's information and found something rather interesting. "Oh, okay. That explains it."* *"What? What happened?" Darrin asked with genuine curiosity.* *Bob began clearly, "Okay, I fixed the major issue. You should be able to see the menu, but to put it simply, you can't access the menu. Because you aren't an 'avatar' anymore, the game somehow realizes that, and your options menu has been taken away due to the fact that in real life - and in there - you don't have hearing aids, meaning you can't manipulate your ability to hear things. Also..." Bob continued explaining that Darrin's access to the menus were a little bit restricted. He couldn't access the sound options, but they would be visible. He couldn't access the graphics options, but they would also be visible. Lastly, he would be able to access the logout function, but it was highly unadvised. Due to the fact that Darrin had no body to return to in the real world, his consciousness would be lost in the world wide web, spread to thin for Darrin to control his thoughts and feelings, effectively killing him.* After that plays in his head, Darrin pull open his menu, flips to the options side, and finds that the logout button is missing from his screen as well. *"Right. A virus. Well, take care!"* There was something going on that Bob refused to tell Darrin right to the end of there cooperation with each other, and this bothers Darrin severely. "Uh, mister?" Fate is waiting for Darrin's reply. Recollecting himself, Darrin,rubbing his face, focuses and answers, "Sorry about that. It was something I remembered. Anyways, I can't find the logout option anywhere on here, so I don't know how to logout." Darrin figures that he shouldn't mention his memory, other wise it might send the wrong message to Fate. "I'll go ask around and see if anyone knows anything. Do you want to meet back up at the town square?" "Sure~" Fate seems anxious. "Come back before two hours, okay?" "Alright. Two hours it is." With that, Darrin and Fate separate for a while, and Darrin begins talking to other players. All who seem to have the same issue: no logout button. *"Right. A virus. Well, take care!"* Bob's last words won't stop ringing in Darrin's head, and he starts becoming flustered... and agitated. Darrin begins his breathing routine to calm down, then he pieces together the things he knows. First, Bob most likely knew something about this situation. Second, everyone else is in the same boat as Darrin and Fate when it comes to logging out. And third, even though Darrin's 'logging out' is basically the same thing as death, meaning it's good for him alone that the logout button is missing. However knowing this even he can't put this puzzle together. An hour and a half have gone by already, and will take Darrin approximately 20 minutes to get back to the town square, so he begins walking walking back.