Like it or not the quickest way back to the ship was going to be flying. If Viral didn't want to fly then he'd have to stomach it regardless; walking back with him bleeding as he was wouldn't cut it. It wasn't like flying was all that bad anyways, not so long as you were half decent at it. Yumi initially had quite the problem with flight as she wobbled back and forth, often times even suddenly dropping when she wasn't putting out enough Ki. At this point though she'd done it more than enough to fly comfortably and it showed. Keeping up a good speed she rose up over the trees, taking off across them back the way they had come. "I wouldn't drop you, trust me on that," Yumi answered, smiling at Viral kindly, "Have some faith in me, you're in good hands." Her grip was as tight as could be without possibly agitating some wounds, and unless they had to abruptly do some weird maneuvers Viral ought to be perfectly fine. She could sort of sympathize with him being uneasy, she certainly had been at first. The more you did it the more fun it became though, and at this point it was second nature like breathing. It didn't matter much where they went, far as Vegeta was concerned, only that they had some place to sit and eat. Really he would have been fine with taking one of the tables by the stalls, but considering he'd been called over to find a place he assumed that was out of the question. The location they had ultimately decided on was certainly nice, he wondered what the food might be like here. Perhaps if they did get asked to leave they could return later as patrons, try out some more of the local cuisine. Not that there was anything inherently wrong with what they had now; back on Earth small shops and food stalls were some of Vegeta's favorite dining spots. It just so happened that the company requested he be at all sorts of functions that he rarely got to go to them. "Is that right...? They just took your money, not knowing the face value of it?" he asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Hm... I guess money begets intelligence on this planet as well." Perhaps that was an unfair generalization, this was only one instance. "Who cares how we got the money? We've got it, and we're loaded now, that's all that matters," Kabocha interjected, "Let's just enjoy the fact we've got it and worry about why they gave it to us later." He was all sorts of excited over having that money, mostly because it meant they could buy all kinds of things. Souvenirs, food, weapons for show, little nick-knacks. Maybe he had a bit of a weakness for shopping, not that he was going to tell the others that. At the very least he wasn't like his father, Gobo, who just obsessed over the money itself. Whereas Kabocha enjoyed spending it he swore his father got off on just the simple act of touching some. If that was the reality of the situation he could almost understand why his mom was always so annoyed. Rubbing his hands together eagerly he popped open one of the containers of food, wasting no time in picking up a strip of the dried meat and taking a healthy bite out of it. "Hm, not bad! Kind of plain though!" T'charrl was in a pretty bad way right now, they really ought to do something to help him. Until L'esta got back the only think Takeshi could think to do was help cover his wound; bleeding out right now would be bad for so many reasons. Doing that for someone the guy's size wouldn't be easy, and they didn't exactly have a whole lot to work with out here. He'd figure something out, even if he had to use the shirt off his back. "What...? No... No! I don't hate your hair! Hate is... Such a strong word," Takeshi said defensively, smiling a little as he held up his hands, "I'm just... Not used to it, that's all. I don't do well with new things, so it takes me a bit, you know? I swear I don't hate it." Maybe he didn't love it, but disliking something was far different from outright hating it. Stepping around to try and get a look at the wound he whistled lowly, his eyes going over it as he did his best to just get an idea from looking alone. "Well... It's long, but it's not super deep. Looks like he barely broke the skin, which is good. It will probably even scab up and heal today. Uh... Do you guys get scabs?"