SoveriegnGrave Said: > It's nice to see you again as well, and I've been pretty good. > > Anyway, as for the war we can work out the reasons for it starting later. Perhaps once you get a more concrete idea of your nation. But I imagined it sort of going well for you at first, pretty much just attacking the settlements that aren't part of the four big republics. And then eventually, emboldened by your victories you start attacking one of the larger ones which finally sets of warning bells with the rest of the Republics and they band together. And then the war starts turning against you now that you're fighting a unified front. Sound good? Any ideas to add or anything? no, it sounds absolutely great! but... you may want to stay away from me in this rp. I don't have a very good reputation. I sorta went into chatzy earlier today and... I don't think anyone likes me! I asked too many dumb questions.