George laughed and passed a grin towards his two friends. "My brother says it's House Elves, though I don't know how many." George commented, helping himself to some of the various and amazing meals in front of him. It was certainly a feast, with everything they could ever have imagined. It was more amazing than he'd imagined and it was all only just beginning. Their lives were changing now and no matter what, they weren't going to go back. George stood lightly, scooping a ladle full of soup from the cauldron to his left. He'd probably be sharing a dormitory with Seine, which he was grateful for. The last thing he needed was to be alone. Of course, he'd make friends in time, but there was no way that they'd all be friends in one night. George began to took into his meal, a small bowl of onion and pepper soup with a bread crust to go with it. He was a small lad, destined for height like his brother but thin and a little lanky. However, it was the way they'd been raised. "What do your parents do?" George asked Seine, now having relaxed enough to come out of his shell and speak to the lad properly. "Sadie's work on a farm, I wondered what your parents did for a living?" He scooped up a spoonful and eat it quietly, looking between his two friends and outright refusing to look up the table. He wondered what Quidditch was going to be like after earlier that afternoon. His brother wasn't the type to hate, too much but what he'd seen seemed almost a grudge. It would be brutal between the two of them. His own brother was a chaser, having speed over strength. He couldn't remember what Brennan played but he guessed it was either Keeper or Beater. He had the build for both.