> Hey Mahz when starting a new roleplay instead of making the first post (the creation post) OOC it puts it IC. Do you think there's a way to fix that so that new roleplays don't have this random post in the IC until the roleplay starts? Thanks for the report. Cred to TheMaster99 for fixing it: - The fix will be in tonight's server push along with some others. > I'm sure this has been mentioned already and I apologize if it has -- but having a way to delete private messages that are no longer in use would be absolutely spectacular. Agreed. This is the most requested feature right now on my list. I have started writing the code for it but need to just sit down and finish it. I decided to introduce an "Archive Convo" button and a "Delete Convo" button. Archiving just files convos away into a folder so that they're still there for reference but they aren't cluttering the main list of convos you currently care about. You still receive PMs for archived convos as I've implemented it so far. Deleting will remove the record of that convo from your inbox. You simply get removed from the convo's list of participants. > Very minor in light of everything else but implementing the green tick marks on threads you have posted in as was seen before the migration would be a nice feature to see again. Thanks. I also need to bring back the you-are-subscribed-to-this-topic indicator when you're viewing the topics list. Similar code for both features.