**Flag:** ![enter image description here](http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk12/Taunter/Mulp.png "enter image title here") **Name:** Mulp **Classification:** Dictatorship **Government:** Conservative **Currency:** Poni **National animal:** Horse **Motto:** “I just don't know what went wrong!” **Continent:** South America **Brief history:** The founding of Mulp is perhaps considered one of the vast enigmas of the current world, with some expat commentators blaming certain elements from North America. But the whole of its revolution in the region was at one point considered a second wave of the Banana Republic model of Latin-American revolution, spurred instead with certain foreign influence. By conflict's end the politics of South America had been completely redrawn to make room for the strange state. As well, a new enigmatic world leader, who is clearly not native but denies any and all allegations of his foreign ethnicity by claiming, “I'm a pretty pony princess.” Their model of conservatism as well seems to be foreign as in redrawing the map in Southern America they effectively rewrote what being conservative in this strange state is, but may in any case be a reverence to the old ranchero. As well, traditional Christian language has been pushed aside to make room for an ideology more horse-based with the current state actively seeking ways to produce an idealized horse through genetic experimentation. **Anything else you wish to add:** Mulp has multiple anthems, their official status is often disputed but no one seems to really care, using whichever passed on personal preference or relevance. Their dear leader often preferring one of the two following: [Theme one](http://youtu.be/NhnFUIBigv4), [Theme two](http://youtu.be/UBptRVQ8qoE).