Name: Marcus Telford Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: He has short, spiky brown hair and blue eyes. Always seen wearing a smile. He wears his SLR slung over his shoulder, his pistol and combat knife both hang from his hip. Rank: Lance Corporal Role: Rifleman Weapon and Ammunition: L1A1 SLR (8x20-round mags), Browning Hi-Power (4x9-round mags), Combat Knife Brief Background: Marcus joined the military at age 20 in hopes of earning an honest living for his new family. He had been quick to marry his high school sweetheart, Trinity Ashby. Perhaps too quick, his brother would say. Not being able to attend college and having no real skills that could benefit him in a workplace he turned to the only option left. With a child on the way he needed to be able to support them and the military offered that. So he finished his training and became a Private. Not seeing any action and having no opportunity for promotion, he sat as a private for about 2 years. That was until the Cyprus Emergency, in which case he showed his ability to lead men against combatants as well as protect civilians. His CO saw promise in the kid and promoted him to Lance Corporal. He stayed in Cyprus and assisted in many operations. That is, until he was relocated to a Carrier just off the coast of Egypt. Now he waits with his brothers to hear his assignment. The only thing that calms his nerves is looking at the picture of his beautiful Irish wife and newborn baby girl. Equipment: He keeps a canteen on him as well as a compass. The only personal effect he keeps is a picture of his wife and daughter, a rubber band keeping it pinned to his canteen.