**Arndt Schulz** Though Arndt didn't quite laugh when Mike did, Arndt did wonder how the two of them miraculously got paired to be roommates together. He brushed it off when seeing a larger man headed down the hall towards them. The man named Jim looked somewhat intimidating, yet kind at the same time. Arndt just sort of stood until he noticed the student from before speak up, and Arndt went into thought. _It's the person that I caught a glimpse of before. Looks like he's being shown around by that big guy. Gotta remember not to screw up first impressions._ Arndt took a breath and replied, "bonjour, I er, saw you before. Kinda sucks to have that happen on the first day of the new school year, but what can you do? Oh, and my name's Arndt by the way." Arndt stuck out his hand in greeting, hoping to at least have the guy feel somewhat comfortable with him.