> Roxy laughed. "You think James but I don't think that would work. This man is strong. He can sense my emotions. He will know if this doesn't go exactly the way he wants. Its best if you all just go to lunch. I'll be fine. I'll see everyone tomorrow. I promise." Chibi-Kido sighed. "So we need him to leave before we can do anything. And we can't just stay here talking either, then, or he'll catch on." He looked over toward the door again, deciding that perhaps it would be best to leave. "I think we're better off just keeping an eye on things rather than just acting now. I know that there's a lot at stake, but it will only get worse if we're impatient and try to do too much at once." Walking back to Roxy, he placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry that we can't do more right now. Dante and I will definitely come back tomorrow, though, so please hold on until then." Running back to the door, the tiny boy peered around it to make sure that he wouldn't be seen before running back outside. Dante had to be around somewhere, and if finding him would get something done, then that was what he was going to do.