[Josive] "Oh." I replied to the kid in front of me, reminding me of the incident just a few minutes ago. He tried to be friendly towards me, and introduced his name with the offer of a handshake. "Uh, right. My name's Josive." I said, slowly accepting his handshake after leaning forward to reach it. After I shook his hand though, I leaned back behind Jim. "Wait, what happen?" Jim said, looking over at me for an answer. "Uh... I ran into some girl and spilled her drink... then she yelled at me..." I told Jim bluntly. "Yeah, I saw that." Mike added in quickly. "Who was it?" Jim interrogated me. "Uh... Sissi... she said." I replied. "Ah! Don't worry, I'll take care of it later." he said too me, settling the matter. "Hey Jim, can you bring up an extra blanket for my room when you have the chance?" Mike asked Jim. "Another one? What do you need three for? One for each bed." he said. Mike kind of shrugged with a guilty face. "I like having two blankets. My friend here's going to need one, and I'm not willing to sacrifice mine for him." Mike smiled. "No. One per bed." Jim said firmly. "Besides, with all these other students, we might not have enough as it is." Jim said finally. "Anyway, I have to show Josive here too his room, then I have some business to attend to." Jim said, patting my back hard, then pulling me away from the others. We continued on our way... without my own control... too our destination. Once we reached my room, Jim pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He opened it up, to reveal a mess of a room. "Sorry about the mess. We haven't had a chance to clean this one since the students disappeared." Jim said. He almost looked like he was going to tear, but quickly beat it out of himself. "I'll be back after everyone's settled to clean up the room." Jim said, waving me off and closing the door with me in the room after tossing me the two keys. "Okay... messy room." I mumbled too myself. It was a single person room, but I had signed up for having a roommate... so that must mean that man will bring another bed later too. I noticed there was a computer set up on the desk. "I wonder if I'll get to keep that." I wondered too myself. I pulled out my laptop and sat down on the bed, setting everything up on it real quick. _I won't have time to set everything else up probably. I'll do that tonight._