Viral needed to take a moment to gather himself, his head feeling like it was back on the shore without him. He did hope it would’ve stopped by now, but then again this was ‘mild’ compared to the other ones which shut him down most of the time. He was not going to shut down, not unless he got all stressed out again to the point of a mental breakdown. Slowly picking his head back up again he stared at Yumi for a moment, letting her focus back again before he sighed. “Next time, ask me if I’m ready…” he grumbled, turning his gaze towards the ground. He didn’t like all this flying business because he had no control over the matter. He’d probably have a lot more of that if he actually had a say in where he was going and what direction he was going to be pulled around in, but with Yumi flying around like this he had near to no focus on where he was going or what he was doing in the air. “I’m fine…I’m fine! I just needed a moment to clear my head…just go fast…” Kabocha had it all wrong, but if he wanted to see the world from that view then he must think that Choi and him must be completely miserable because they’re so poor. They didn’t like being poor but they certainly weren’t miserable because of it, instead being pretty happy about their current position in life. Kabocha wasn’t understanding what independence from his parents meant though, especially when he wasn’t thinking that he wouldn’t have access to the money too. Staring at him for a moment his eyes soon went to Vegeta who supported his point, his eyes soon returning to his food as he begun munching again. That whole point eventually turned into Vegeta getting all geeky over technology again and going crazy over that, finding it to be most unusual indeed. If he thought technology was great then he’d probably have a seizure over the technology the Saiyan Kingdom had he seen any of that. “Advancing? We weren’t gone for that long”, Kai spoke up, letting out a grumble before sighing, “You not afraid of them becoming the next superpower with it, though? We’ve seen what goes on with that weird race considering their Prince is a walking tank. You sure you’re not just aiding their conquering of other planets by watching over them so closely?” T’charrl was starting to feel better now that he was able to relax, but he was still a little drained of energy. It was nice hearing about the others when they barely ever talked about themselves or their culture, even if he enjoyed hearing about it. Smiling to himself he gave a nod, staring down at his claws. “I’m not very good at counting either, but can just say that age is my age and yours is yours”, he spoke, letting out a sigh as he slowly pushed his chest off the ground. Giving his chest a quick rub he could only frown at his back pain, knowing it was out of reach for him. Staring at the forest floor he could only wonder why they were waiting around when they were hungry, but sure enough he was getting his answer when L’esta suddenly dropped in near him. Getting a fright was one thing, but almost reaching out to whack him would had caused even more humiliation. Moving his feet around to turn his body to face him he gave a little frown, his eyes shifting to Takeshi quickly before to L’esta again. Not feeling entirely confident about his return he did notice some additions he had brought with him. Frowning as he stared at the jar, looking away for a moment. “You just took it so you wouldn’t get in trouble with Mother…” Not particularly wanting him to touch him with that he kept his eyes off him, staring down at the forest floor before his eyes caught sight of what was being held out to him. He didn’t understand what it was at all, taking hold of it carefully and placing it in the centre of his claws. Slowly unwrapping it carefully to not tear whatever it was he could only stare down at the image. There was a sense of unfamiliarity with it, the images of his mother and father familiar to him but he felt pretty sad that he didn’t recognise himself. “It’s me, right…? I think I remember this…”