_I will wear the band_ Name- Idron Boje Race- Human Male/Female- male Appearance- [look](http://i.imgur.com/zvtyoPL.jpg) a narrow face, with square jaw, clean shaven, with short cut brown hair and eye’s Backstory- Boje was born into a family of mercs from a young age he learn the family trade. When he was older he join the Avalad army he eventually quit because as he said “the pay was bad.” Boje soon join up with a Black Band. He spent years with them guild training Skills- - Mastery of his favorite weapon a longsword and - Proficient in light and medium armor he can easily move around - knows unarmed combat - Proficient in thrown weapons i.e. throwing knives - has good cardio (If needed)Magic/magical abilities- none Equipment- half plate armor, a dagger, a high quality long-sword, throwing knifes, and some tools to keep his armor and weapons in tiptop shape. (If needed)Extra items- backpack, water-skin, and several books. Other: none