**Blake Belladonna - Crew galley, UMMA Vessel _Tanngrisnir_** Blake Belladonna sat at a table in the great dimensional ship's mess hall, a plate with a sandwich at her right hand and book held open in her right. She seemed to have forgotten about her food, her yellow eyes scanning intently over the page. One of the unexpected benefits of working with the UMMA had been access to whole new worlds' worth of stories. She'd found more intriguing titles than she'd ever be able to consume - although, considering a lot of her time so far had been spent on interdimensional voyages with little to do she might just give the Yggrasil library a run for its money. She blinked and frowned slightly as her left hand went up to lightly adjust the bow that sat atop her head, the loops carefully placed to conceal her ears. Maybe it was silly to wear the bow still - after all, the UMMA was a ridiculously diverse organisation, and she hadn't seen any indication of the sort of of biases she had to deal with back home. Maybe this was the place where she could finally feel comfortable going about with ears uncovered, but for now old habits died hard.