(http://image.blingee.com/images18/content/output/000/000/000/73e/719121693_1780267.gif "Shards") First Name: Melody Last Name: Drackoni Code Name: Flash Age(7-18): 13 Gender: Femae Original Floor (2-5): 3 Power (Can only be one thing): She can make light flicker and turn off and electronics turn on and off at will, She made it a fun trick to play on other people but was soon found out. She was experimenting with it before she was caught and will contuine experimenting after. Special Skills: She is good at hiding, and with her powers darkness is her friend. Theme Song (Optional): Outfit (Optional): Black, long sleeve dress that goes down to her knees, Black tights, One old pair of Mary-janes. Other: Their goes the radio again... -jumpscae- RAwr rawr i got you again.