Zaen Henko's flute. It played softly as he sat up on his bed with no general music being played, just some notes that flowed in a soft manner. Nothing quite pleasured him like being alone to play whatever he felt like, with no distractions to interupt him. He had just exchanged to the school and like others he was most definately not nervous nor excited, but he was feeling slightly positive and optimistic due to what the school promised, like the special 'abilities' they seem to have been granted. Hopefully he'd be able to play more often at this new highschool, at his old one insturments weren't allowed, and at his home he lived in a house with sound that travelled well, meaning his parents could hear him from across the house, so he wasn't able to play it as much as he liked. He wondered if he'd ever socialize any more this year. His mother had asked him to be less secluded, she seemed worried for him and any possible social life he'd ever have. He sighed. He was already missing home, and althogh he wasn't nervous or excited home was also where he developed his talent for Music, and he was homesick already. He turned his music up louder in his headphones to seclude these saddening thoughts. He'd stick it trough till, he didn't have much of a choice anyways. His free type of softly playing began getting softer and softer, until he had desummoned his Flute, layed down and shut his eyes. The new school was more tireing than he realized, and he was exhausted, and so he drifted to sleep with his headphones in, the Music playing like a lullaby played on a Clarinet.