Saoji stood still as the door to the entrance of the dorm opened in front of him. He saw a girl (Lone) who looked a bit older than him. Looking at her facial expressions, he could sense that she seemed a bit annoyed. Suddenly, a slight chill ran through his body but he ignored it overall. Perhaps it was just the cool breeze of today's weather than gave him a cold chill. Once she said the name "Paige" this definitely caught his attention. Exactly who was she? and who was she speaking to? As she walked away he turned and watched her go on. Before she left his gaze he decided to gain her attention. **"Hey."** he simply said, slowly taking steps toward her. He had the facial expression of a permanent scowl. ** "When nature feels her very own world closing in around her, and when she realizes there is no one left to turn to; she pretends to speak with herself. Not one living being understands her, for we failed to show her how much we honor her in our presence. She has turned against us for rapidly killing her spirit. As such with other laws of life." **he said, steady giving her a blank face. **"I sense that inside of you. Who were you speaking to?"** he finally finishes and asks. Saoiji's voice had a child like demeanor going about it, but one could notice that he is full of wisdom. Although a bit shorter than her, one should never underestimate his capabilities.