Lexi rolled over, groaning. She was in bed. It was just a nightmare, a horrible, realistic nightmare. But something was wrong. The bed was too big, and too cold … And Max was gone. Since Aunt Jen had been there, Lexi had shared Max’s bed; hers having been moved out for their Aunt. Lexi Hadn’t wanted to give up her bed, but it was easier to get out the door. Max’s bed smelled nice … That’s what was wrong. Max’s smell, it was gone. Lexi bolted upright, shocked. Staring round the highly decorated, gold encrusted, friggin’ huge room, Lexi gasped; where the hell was she? This place looked like it could fit her entire house in the one room, and there were more branching off this one. The bed was huge too, almost the size of her and Max's room at home. Everything was either oversized, or seriously rich looking. Lexi dropped her head in her hands, _this wasn’t happening. Was it?_ Car crash one second, waking up in this gilt encrusted room the next. _Oh hell._ “Mira?” a voice called out from the next room. “Time to get up, before the teachers come.” A small, petite girl, with a short bob of gold hair, stuck her head round one of the doors. “Come on Mi…… what are you doing?” Lexi looked up, and just then noticed the long blond hair falling in front of her face. Touching it she gaped, “what is this?” A thought struck Lexi then. Forgetting, or maybe not caring, that someone else was there, she was Lexi after all, she leapt off the bed, ditched her, was this a nightgown? And started turning circles, attempting to she herself. Catching sight of a mirror Lexi hurried over, pulling up short, when she realized not only had her hair changed, she was now taller, thinner, sleeker, and, _oh for the love of god_, weaker.