**Name:** Shun ChiricheČ™ (Shoon Ki-reh-kesh) **Appearance:** ![Military](http://i.imgur.com/v1rUWCZ.jpg?1 "Shun ChiricheČ™ - Military")![Civilian](http://i.imgur.com/aKTBak4.png?1 "Shun ChiricheČ™ - Civilian") **Gender:** Male **Age:** 24 **Occupation:** Military. **Personality:** Calm and Collected. Proper - Speaks correctly and keeps himself neat and tidy at all times, dislikes being surrounded by messy surroundings and/or sloppy people. Smokes a lot. Likes to be upfront and honest in an attempt to make sure people are the same way with him. Sarcasm and Irony are two things he cannot live without, even if it gives people an excuse to dislike him. Bit of a self-proclaimed comedian, although his humour is not appreciated by all people. Does not sleep much, maybe 4-6 hours, a night, and is easily awaken as his body is used to being on alert for enemies. Not afraid to get his hands dirty. Shun is not a massive fan of surprises or being given orders, having a problem with authority. He loves challenges and puzzles as completing them gives him a huge feeling of accomplishment. Tends to think ahead, and always has an exit plan in mind. Somewhat of a womaniser.... A 'James bond' if you will... **Power:** Teleportation or "Jumping". - What this means is that Shun can move to another location in the blink of an eye. The weakness with this is that he has to see the destination, so if there's a wall, for example, then he cannot "jump" behind it because he cannot see the space he will end up occupying. Early tests resulted in Shun crashing into the obstacle. **Colour:** Caput Mortuum (cardinal purple) **Bio:** Father was Japanese and had a child with a Romanian woman when in Romania of Military exercise. His mother died in childbirth and so both he and his father returned to Japan to live. Shun's father left the child with the surname of his mother in her honour. Went to junior school and attained average grades. In middle school, became good at sport and pushed physical fitness. Attended a military academy instead of moving to a high school/college/university. 'Graduated' with distinction and was almost begged into joining a specialised military group. He is used to working in small groups that move quickly and efficiently to complete their assigned jobs. His team-mates say that he can 'disappear in the blink of an eye'. He was once clinically pronounced dead but was fortunate to have a medic who refused to quit on him. When he sprang back to life he first saw an embroided rose, surrounded by a circle and three dots, on the medics vest. The medic greeted him with the phrase 'You were almost Caput Mortuum, my friend.' His work takes him away from his home for six to twelve months of the year, but when he gets back into town he lives in a three-bedroom house that he shares with two other people, usually students who stay for a year or two while they are studying before moving on. **Other:** N/A **Relationships:** - Max - House-mate - Yuno - House-mate