![](http://i.imgur.com/L3RrFn0.gif) **Name:** Lucifer (Luci) Drag **Appearance:** Luci is a sun-tanned male with black hair. Lustrous strands are strewn around his smooth complexion, bangs hang over his forehead and frames his face. He has emotionless black eyes with feral brows that give him a certain edge to his face. His build is slender and tense and his five-nine height tends to leave other high-schoolers to look at him with envy for his good genes. The bridge of his nose is straight with narrow nostrils. His cheekbones are barely visible but the boyish charm of his face often appeals to youths. Though rare, he has a smile that melts hearts. **Gender:** Male **Age:** 17 **Occupation:** Student/Idol **Personality:** A natural overachiever, Lucifer has always seen himself as not enough. He reaches out pass his limits, pushing his mental, physical, and spiritual sense of self further than it was yesterday. Sometimes this comes off as paramount, cocky, or overzealous but its always been about being a better him. His kindness is usually aloof at best as he keeps his distance from anyone straying too close to him. His determination to strive for bigger heights is at its core a concept of dominance. **Power:** He calls his power Dominance but its technically the manipulation and control over gravity. It's application is defined by the laws that were written for it, allowing him flight by ridding himself of the nuisance or chaining one to the ground by increasing it. His ability can range from pushing and pulling people or objects to manipulating a singular and complex item (ie. a gun) and being mistaken as telekinesis. This ability spawns from his overbearing need to control every aspect of himself, the indomitable will that he places on his and those around him. His weakness revolves around range and weight, the heavier an object is the more strain it takes to lift, same applies for length. **Color:** Black **Bio:** Born in Britain to a Writer and TV Producer, Lucifer was on the borderline of greatness, redemption, and normality. By the time he arrived in Japan, siblings were left behind, houses were forgotten, mothers and fathers were split up. Lucifer was born with a stained name, one that attracted attention without fail wherever he went and kept most peers superstitiously aware of his presence. His namesake was the scornful remark of a hurt mother and the mistakes of a adulterous father. Throughout school he was pushed aside, until eventually he found himself keeping others away. By the time he reached middle school and people no longer cared for his name, he was used to being alone. Thanks to his musician uncle he found himself drawn to the beautiful sounds of the pianist. The man was constantly on the road but he often sent musical pieces to Luci for him to practice. His father and mother divorced each other a year before she moved. Lucifer's older brother Luke was the closest thing he had to a friend and even that was a bunch of short conversations. When Luke decided to stay in Britain with their father, he was only slightly irritated. A few months into adjusting to their new lives and he was being drowned by useless ploys of family talk and caring. Frustrated and overwhelmed by his inability to control his life one day, he accidentally brought the light fixture down from the roof. After dinner, he returned to his room and his phone was blinking with a notification. **Other:** Has an estranged brother and exercises dominance on most people. When not modeling or practicing the piano, he's usually reading manuscripts and old scriptures about his namesake. Japan tends to enjoy extreme beauty, titling them Idols. When his grades were looked over by a scout and he was deemed a new treat for the public, he was introduced to the SunRISE company. He's well known around Ikebukuro, Japan. **Relationships:**