Mitch was overwhelmed by the rush of information Karaiyah spat out. Had she been waiting for this chance? Because it sounded like she had all of her information lined up and ready to go. Wide-eyed, he nodded slowly, looking up at the sky. Clearing his throat when she was done, he croaked, "Well, that was... Informative, to say the least." He chuckled. "I'm not exactly used to the whole, 'let's get to know each other better' thing, I gotta say." He took a deep breath, tapping his fingers on his opposite arm for a second as he thought. "Okay," he breathed, "Let's see: I'm a Gemini, twenty-three years old, grew up in Quebec for most of my life. I do speak French, but both French and English were spoken at home, so I wouldn't say it's a first *or* second language. "My parents owned a computer store, where I worked until I moved out at seventeen. I don't know how they met, or much at all about them. They're both Encantado, and they were always too busy living the life of people without children to bother with their employee-I mean, son." He rubbed his arms behind his head. "Um, my favourite drink is a Texas Tea with two shots of whiskey, I love the sound of a full orchestra, I can only drink pop if it has ice in it, and I don't like the cold. Makes me lethargic. But I do love snow, and rain. I actually prefer dreary days to sunny ones." In response to her one-night-stand story, he mentioned, "My myth-ness never really got me in much trouble in that way. Sure there were some people who didn't want a myth, but for several clients it was... *Exotic.*" his face fell a bit. Turning over and propping himself up on his elbow, he looked down at Karaiyah. "There. Now it's my turn. What kind of jobs have you had? Do you have any hobbies? I used to play piano in hotel lobbies, then I was a bartender for a while, loved that job. I'd like to try and be a bartender again." He smiled. "Of course, then I fell in with the wrong crowd and things sort of went down on the legality scale from there. I used to build computers in my spare time, too." He looked fondly back at the memory.