Ah, a man seeking the knowledge of the mages of old a thing she could respect, fear and hate. Even looking back in time in the scars she could see petty mage politics come into play, constant betrayal over the simplest of things, one of them being the access to knowledge. Indeed time taken to do your own experiments on things already discovered was time lost doing other things. Still that mage already had a spell book so there was no doubt in her mind: Considering he'd allow them all to read at the library this mage would either back stab them or was looking for something so precise that the rest of the library was a triviality to him. Either way they stood to gain much less than this man. The voice behind them all interrupted her thoughts, much to her annoyance. "Fresh meat!" Getting up from her chair she found herself glad to have an archer to silence the ceaseless blable of the bandit chief and as soon as she was on her feet Mastrix moved on to extend her free hand and unleash a torrent of unnatural fire. She had to admit this wasn't her cup of tea, people everywhere and encircled, she had gotten careless to be in this situation first. It was however remarkable how Mastrix was NOT a team player and that only a few seconds into the fight almost the entire village was on fire, something that left very little room to maneuver for non ranged allies. She turned around when she heard someone fall down behind her, only to hear the male elf gloat. She sneered at him behind her mask only to hear a distinctive schunk. Lowering her gaze she saw her torso had been hit by an arrow. A second later a second and third hit her in her stomach and shoulder. She definetly did not enjoy this 'Team' concept, but probably not as much as the looter she had cursed with her pain and let go from the scar a week back that now suffered her wounds. She kept moving as not to be sitting duck and passed in front of the elf as he was drawing another arrow. "Stop flapping your gums and just kill more people, elf, I eat scum like this for breakfast." More literal than he would know, that's for sure. Still, Mastrix limped away, removing an arrow, clenching her teeth as she did. Before disappearing behind a building she had set on fire however she gave one long look to an archer, whispering under her breath and soon enough, he fell on the ground from the pain of having 3 arrows stuck in him, almost instantly making Mastrix feel better. She removed a second arrow without any technique, making the wound even bigger and nastier but as it was already beginning to close itself, she hardly cared.