Name: Riku Age: 17 Godly Parent: Phobetor (god of nightmares) Years at camp: 6 Ability: He is able to shape-shift into animals at will. The bigger the better. He is able to cause powerful nightmares that are able to drive one insane if wanted by Riku. There are straining consequences to Riku's brain after use. Skills: Master knife-thrower Weapon of choice: Celestial Bronze knife set Appearance: Riku has a lean, wirey body type. He's in shape but by no means buff. He stands at the height of 5"9' ![]( Personality: Riku's personality is predominantly cold and distant. He fears the sun and prefers sleeping over any other camp activities. He is good friends with Nico De Angelo. People believe it is because of the similarities in there personality. But others suspect different... Brief History: Riku grew up in west Chicago with his abusive mother. At the age of 11 he ran away only to be found by a satyr. Surprisingly enough,he was not shocked when he found out he was a half-blood. The reason of this is due to the fact that he would see his father Phbobetor in his dreams and recognized him as his father. He was right at home in Camp Half-Blood. For once in his life he wasn't looked down upon. Previous to being introduced to this new world he was considered weird and introverted. A girl named Elise took him in under her wing. They have since become great friends. Elise took a liking to him when she fount out that he was previously abused. She went through a similar situation.They are an odd pairing seeing as she is the daughter of apollo, but to him it was completely natural. Not long after meeting her Elise went on a quest to never return. He believes her to be alive but others don't agree. He wishes to accomplish at least one quest. If not for the sole purpose to find Elise. Onlly problem is that even if they don't say it they can't see his abilities as an asset. This causes welt up frustration and resentment. He tries his best to keep it hidden but at times he lashes out in the form of dreams. If someone ticks him off he is able to give said person one or more restless nights. He pretends to be confident but more often than not he feels scared. He always found this ironic considering his father's main attribute was to procure fear.